now at nyphp: Zeev Suraski, v2.0 Site Launch, NYPHP News

New York PHP contact at
Tue Apr 15 12:22:44 EDT 2003

--- It's all at ---

Good day,

What a busy month April is! First, is the exciting news that Zeev Suraski of
Zend Technologies will be at the NYPHP April meeting (please RSVP by sending
a message to rsvp at

Also, NYPHP is very pleased to launch v2.0, thanks to the great
efforts of the NYPHP Development team:

Stefan Antonowicz
Alexander Chan
Chris Hendry
Jeff Knight
Peter Lehrer
Peter Sawczynec

And a special thank you to team leaders Jeff K. and Peter S., Director Daniel
Krook, and everyone who has helped over the last couple of months. The new
site is still very much a work in progress, so we're eager to hear about
suggestions or errors. And, feel free to get involved! It's been a fun and
educational last couple of months, with a lot more projects in the pipeline.
[ contact at ]

And, thanks to Michael Southwell, NYPHP has the April edition of New York PHP
News ready at which is packed this month with
articles from O'Reilly, MySQL, Zend, PHP and more.

Lastly, there's new events happening everyday at NYPHP, so please keep an eye
on for the latest.

New York PHP

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