New York PHP News

NYPHP News news at
Tue Mar 18 15:30:30 EST 2003

Good afternoon,

Continuing in our effort to deliver concise, timely and pertinent
information, New York PHP is pleased to announce the first installment of New
York PHP News.

It is available online:

To avoid cluttering your Inbox with separate news postings from each source,
we've digested every topic from a variety of resources, including MySQL,
Apache, Zend, O'Reilly and more, plus AMP Technology community news and
developments - all in a simple index format.  This is only the first edition
(please excuse any formatting or date discrepancies) and we are working hard
to deliver a much enhanced version for April.

We are anxious to hear what resources you'd like included and ideas you have
to improve NYPHP News.  And if you have publishing/newsletter experience,
please consider contacting news at and getting involved.

Thank you,

New York PHP News Team
news at

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