[nycphp-announce] now at nyphp: NYPHP Introduces Online Forums, Rapid AMP Certifications

New York PHP contact at
Mon Oct 6 21:06:22 EDT 2003

We've received numerous requests for providing additional resources to the community through online web forums, and have answered with and forums at

It's only recently rolled out, and we hope you will contribute by voicing what forums should be created and what topics they should cover.  Whether new user or PHP guru, with your feedback and participation we are building one of the most focused and useful technical discussion communities available on the Internet.  We are also considering hosting moderated forums and a community calendar, and would be happy for your participation in managing and organizing these forums.

Coupled with the already highly regarded mailing lists (, both those who favor forums and lists will have a valuable resource. 

Please contact forums at and help shape what forums and subjects you'd find most useful.

---- Rapid AMP Certifications ----

Concise, intense, skill-centric; RAMP Certifications now available.
Details at

Thank You,

New York PHP

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