[nycphp-announce] tonight at nyphp: Intro to PEAR DB; PHP Quebec Conference

Hans Zaunere noreply at
Tue Feb 24 08:38:02 EST 2004

February Meeting Tonight

When: February 24, 2004 at 6:30pm
Where: Digital Pulp

February's General Meeting continues the database thread started with
last month's PostgreSQL presentation by introducing PEAR DB.

PEAR DB is an object oriented API that provides common methods of
accessing thirteen of PHP's database driver extensions.

Daniel Convissor, NYPHP speaker and PEAR DB's current lead developer,
presents this month's meeting with highlights of the new version 1.6.0
release. The main points will be major bug fixes, API changes and new
portability features that make it possible to write programs that will
work with a wide variety of DBMS backends.

As always this meeting is free and open to the public - please be sure
to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at

PHP Quebec Conference and Early Bird Discount until March 1st

Contact:  board at

A group of New York PHP members plan on getting together and attending
the conference.  It's an easy ride to Montreal and a great city.  We're
also looking into getting a group discount.

Please contact noreply at if you're interested in attending with

See below for full announcement.

Solutions 2004 : live the PHP experience

PHP Quebec is pleased to invite you to its second annual conference.
It will take place March 25th and 26th, at the hotel Crowne Plaza,
Montreal, Quebec.

During two days, the conference offers three sessions tracks and a 
debate :
+ PHP Advanced technics;
+ Profesional PHP, with users cases;
+ PHP and Open Source;
+ The CMS debate : Discover the tools to master content.

With the participation of
Rasmus Lerdorf (PHP co-inventor), Cyril Pierre de Geyer (AFUP),
Aaron Greespan (Harvard College SEC), Marc Laporte (Tiki Wiki),
Michel Dagenais, Ilia Alshanetsky, Derick Rethans, John Coggeshall
and many others.

The sessions are given in English  or French. The organisation provides
you with lunchs and coffee breaks, plus an area to meet speakers and

All information concerning the conference is available on the web site :
schedule, sessions, subscription and fees, and sponsors. or via email at : board at

Come and take advantage of this unique event!

New York PHP

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