[nycphp-announce] The NYPHP Charter has been revised

Hans Zaunere noreply at
Wed Jun 30 09:48:54 EDT 2004

The Board of Directors, by unanimous vote, has revised the Charter of
New York PHP to include the following article:

Appropriate Use of Mailing Lists

The mailing lists of New York PHP may not be used to

(1) promote any commercial activities unless that posting has received
prior board approval, in which case the posting shall include the words
"This posting has been approved by the Board of New York PHP";

(2) suggest that any activity, code base, or writing has been endorsed
by or created by or supported by New York PHP if that is not the case.

The Board of New York PHP shall determine whether a violation of
appropriate use has occurred, and if it has, the President shall issue a
warning notice in writing to the violator.

Anyone who again violates appropriate use after having been already
issued a warning notice shall be excluded from any and all participation
in New York PHP.

The complete Charter may be viewed at

New York PHP wants to maintain the highest caliber community possible
and we appreciate your cooperation and support.

Hans Zaunere
New York PHP

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