[nycphp-announce] nyphp at GNUbies: Intro to AMP; Early Bird Extended - PHP Quebec Conference

New York PHP contact at
Mon Mar 8 09:56:19 EST 2004

Special Presentation:  Introduction to AMP at GNUbies Meeting

   When:  March 10, 2004 at 6:30
  Where:  IBM Building, Manhattan

As a special presentation, New York PHP President Hans Zaunere will introduce the powerful AMP Technology suite to the GNUbies group this Wednesday. From

We are pleased to announce that at this month's Gnubies meeting, Hans Zaunere, President and Founder of New York PHP will be giving a basic introduction to AMP - that is an extremely popular combination of software used for web servers and includes the Apache web server, the MySQL database and, in this case, the PHP programming language used for web scripting. When using GNU/Linux as the OS this is often referred to as LAMP. A basic explanation of each of these will be followed by a demonstration of a basic setup including compiling and configuration and then the writing of a simple web application. Clearly, since this is a GNUbies meeting these will not be covered in depth, but you will get a flavor of what can be done and a system will be set up and running during the presentation providing basic practical information as well.

As a freelance developer of GPS systems for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and other government organizations, Hans employed Open Source tools to massage and analyze geophysical data in 1995. While working as a network and systems administrator for a startup ISP, he discovered PHP and quickly migrated all modeling and monitoring tools to the web with the aid of Apache and MySQL.

In 2001 Hans moved to Manhattan and took responsibility for critical medical data as a systems architect at New York University. Then in 2002, he established New York PHP and AMP Technology to develop and promote this key technology suite. Today he continues to wear systems architect and administration hats, providing business solutions through Open Source.

As always, we are grateful to IBM for their generous donation of space for this mneeting. Please see for IBM's secuity measures for being admitted to the building or the meeting.

Wednesday March 10, 2004
        6:30 pm         General Questions and Answers
        7:00 pm         Hans Zaunere on
                        An Introduction to AMP for GNUbies
                        (The Apache Web Server, MySQL Database and PHP Web Scripting Language)

At the IBM building
        The IBM building, 590 Madison Ave.
        (57th Street and Madison Avenue) 

As always, our meetings are free and open to the public.  And as always the most up-to-date information can be found at our website at or

PHP Quebec Conference; Early Bird Extended for NYPHP

Contact:  board at

A group of New York PHP members will be attending the conference.  It's an easy ride to Montreal and a great city.

As a special for NYPHP Members, PHP Quebec COnference has extended their early bird special.

We're looking forward to a great time - see you there!

See below for full announcement.

Solutions 2004 : live the PHP experience

PHP Québec is pleased to invite you to its second annual conference.
It will take place March 25th and 26th, at the hotel Crowne Plaza,
Montréal, Québec.

During two days, the conference offers three sessions tracks and a 
debate :
+ PHP Advanced technics;
+ Profesional PHP, with users cases;
+ PHP and Open Source;
+ The CMS debate : Discover the tools to master content.

With the participation of
Rasmus Lerdorf (PHP co-inventor), Cyril Pierre de Geyer (AFUP),
Aaron Greespan (Harvard College SEC), Marc Laporte (Tiki Wiki),
Michel Dagenais, Ilia Alshanetsky, Derick Rethans, John Coggeshall
and many others.

The sessions are given in English  or French. The organisation provides
you with lunchs and coffee breaks, plus an area to meet speakers and

All information concerning the conférence is available on the web site :
schedule, sessions, subscription and fees, and sponsors. or via email at : board at

Come and take advantage of this unique event!

New York PHP

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