[nycphp-announce] special at nyphp: New Training 10/25; Very Special NYCBUG Meeting: Eric Allman & Kirk McKusick; LISA and USENIX

New York PHP noreply at
Tue Oct 12 13:27:14 EDT 2004

New York PHP's Fall Training Program Continues Oct. 25-26

Join instructor Mike Southwell as your guide to Williams & Lane's bestselling Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL.

In cooperation with O'Reilly Publishing, this intensive hands-on course leverages Hugh Williams and David Lane's bestselling book, Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL, to give you the skills you need to develop high quality database-driven websites. Students receive:

* A complimentary copy of Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL from O'Reilly Publishing
* Printed and bound course material
* Personal accounts on New York PHP's Training Server
* Personal Windows workstations during training

Seats are limited, reserve yours today:

Very Special NYCBUG Meeting:  Eric Allman & Kirk McKusick

New York PHP sister group NYC*BUG is pleased to host a special monthly meeting with special guests Eric Allman & Kirk McKusick.  If you aren't familiar with these names, you should be!

Join NYC*BUG and NYPHP members for presentations and discussions with these two gurus:

* Eric Allman, creator of Sendmail, will be speaking on the recent issues with sender ID as an anti-spam method.

* Kirk McKusick, of USENIX and a long-time BSD developer, will be speaking about the history of BSD Unix and touch on some of the current issues today facing the open source community.

WHEN: Saturday, October 16th at 2pm

WHERE: Columbia University at 116th Street and Broadway in Manhattan, in the Mathematics Building in Room 312.

Copies of Kirk's recent book The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System will be available.

For more information, including maps and fliers, check out the NYC*BUG website at  Please feel free to print and/or distribute the flier!

LISA '04: Latest in System Administration

LISA '04 Offers the Latest in System Administration Training and Cutting-Edge Practices

Join us in Atlanta, GA, November 14-19, 2004, for the 18th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA '04).

This year's program, "System Administration Reality-Automation, Configuration, and Users," includes training every day by industry experts such as Aeleen Frisch, Gerald Carter, Tom Limoncelli, and Marcus Ranum; keynote address "Going Digital at CNN" by Howard Ginsberg; the 2nd Annual Spam Mini-Symposium; invited talks by industry experts; refereed papers; Guru Is In sessions; a vendor exhibition; and more. Sponsored by USENIX and SAGE.

Register by October 22 and save up to $300!

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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