[nycphp-announce] PHP Quebec Conference - Early Bird Ends Soon

New York PHP noreply at
Sat Feb 26 15:06:38 EST 2005

Hi everyone,

Please see below for some info about the PHP Quebec conference.  Many from New York PHP were there last year and it's a great conference.  This year, NYPHP's own Hans Kaspersetz and Chris Hendry will be giving presentations themselves.  There are many presentations in English, and the conference is made up of a huge number of knowledgeable speakers.

Learn more at

Sign-up for special certification offers from Zend, and an early bird discount, ending Feb 28th.

See you there!

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

PHP Québec 2005 : all the Web solutions

PHP Québec is proud to invite you to its third annual conference.
It will take place March 30th and 31rst, and April 1rst 2005,
at the hotel Crowne Plaza, Montréal, Québec.

During two days, the conference offers four sessions 
tracks and the largest Free Software certification center :
+ PHP Advanced technics;
+ Professional PHP, with users cases;
+ MySQL;
+ Apache Software Foundation

When visiting the conference, you're entitled to a free
PHP Zend Certification exam. You may leave the conference 
as a Zend PHP Certified Engineer, or event a MySQL 
certified engineer. We'll have the hottest deals for
this exam : 80$ CAD, right on the floor of the conference!

Wednesday 30th is a power work shop day : 
for a full half day, you will share the knowledge and know-how
of the most prominent experts, on the cutting edges themas : 
PHP 5, security, WebServices, PEAR, and MySQL 5.

With the participation of :
Rasmus Lerdorf (PHP co-inventor), Brian Aker (Director
of architecture at MySQL), Ken Coar (Apache Software Foundation), 
Sébastien Brodeur (Caisse Fédérative Desjardins), 
Robert Gérin-Lajoie (CIRANO), Louis Fortier (CRIM), 
Jorge Vivanco (Mexican Governement), Elliot White III
(Hubble Institute), Derick Rethans, John Coggeshall.

The conference is sponsored by MySQL AB,
Zend Technologies, Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Québec, 
EasyDNS, l'Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, SXIP, Maribal, 
le groupe interstructure and many others.

Most sessions are given in English, and the rest in French. 
The organization provides you with lunches and coffee breaks,
plus an area to meet speakers and attendees. 

All information concerning the conference is available on the web site :
schedule, sessions, subscription and fees, and sponsors.

Come and take advantage of this unique event!

The PHP Quebec team.

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