[nycphp-announce] joomla at nyphp: Supporting the former Mambo CMS; Sept. Training

New York PHP noreply at
Mon Sep 5 12:02:47 EDT 2005


As many likely have heard, the Mambo CMS has undergone some fundamental changes.  In the past, New York PHP has supported this popular CMS by providing a dedicated virtual server and mailing lists for the community.

In light of the recent split, New York PHP has voted unanimously to back the new open source CMS, Joomla!  Joomla! is the new name of the Mambo CMS, and providing the same functionality and a true open source development model.

As a result, we've renamed our mailing list to the Joomla! SIG.

The change is minor but an important step in showing support for an open source project that's truly open.

For more information on Joomla! and the changes surrounding this important CMS, see

New York PHP Designer Track, September 19th - 20th

Our Designer's Track was created especially for web developers with experience in HTML, Flash, Dreamweaver, Front Page, Microsoft Word, and other graphic and layout applications. No programming background is expected as the Designer's Track helps experienced web designers learn to use the very popular language PHP to create interactive and database-driven websites.

Sign-up, learn more and see the complete course outline.

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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