[nycphp-announce] TOMORROW at nyphp: PHP Meetup, by NYPHP

New York PHP hostmaster at
Mon May 5 11:37:04 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I'd like to let everyone know about our PHP Meetup organization efforts.

On the 1st Tuesday of every month, at 6:30pm, we'll be getting together at
Pound and Pence for an informal gathering of PHP, web, and open source

Details are at

These meetups will be the informal networking events to compliment our
continued monthly general meetings at IBM.

The first meetup is May 6th.  The venue might start to get packed beyond 50
attendees, so please RSVP at the site above so we have a rough count.

We're also looking forward to continuing these events through the summer and
in conjunction with other area groups.

Looking forward to meeting up with everyone at this first event, through the
summer, and beyond.

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP

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