[nycphp-announce] next at nyphp: Holiday Party Dec. 21st

New York PHP hostmaster at
Mon Dec 14 09:35:01 EST 2009


As another year draws to a close at NYPHP (wow, #8), I'd like to note that
there won't be a meeting this Dec (CakePHP is set for Jan).

Instead, we've taken winter solstice and palindromic number 12/21 as our
third major holiday party of the NYC technical community.

Full details and RSVP are available here:

As always, any help spreading the word is appreciated, and if you know of a
technical community that would be interested in participating, please pass
them our way!

Don't forget to RSVP (which is required) this week as we may need to close
RSVPs for capacity reasons.

Happy PHPing to all, and to all a good 2010!

Hans Zaunere / New York PHP


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