[nycphp-announce] pictures at nyphp: flickr For All

New York PHP hostmaster at
Tue Feb 10 08:24:45 EST 2009


Thanks to the help and participation of many community members over the
years, we've collected a great set of photos from various events and
meetings.  Shout outs to Brian and Fernando for getting the flickr group
together and importing old images.

We'd especially like to thank Mike DeWitt for snapping some of the greatest
photos - and adding some of the funniest remarks - along the way.

And now you can see them all, in full Web 2.0 splendor, at NYPHP's very own
flickr group:

So feel free to browse through yesteryear - and most importantly - snap
pictures at future events and throw them into the Group's Pool.

Sure flickr is confusing, but hey, it's for the PHP!

New York PHP User Group Community

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