[nycphp-announce] conference at nyphp: Meet the CodeWorks Speakers at Free Social; Special Conference Discount for NYPHP

New York PHP hostmaster at
Thu Oct 1 13:20:45 EDT 2009

What are you doing this Monday night?  Football? (well ok, that's not bad).

But with names like Bergmann, Pirtle, Priebsch, Ramsey, Rethans, Shiflett,
Smith, and Zmievski, it's... Monday Night PHP!

This Monday evening, all are invited to the WebsiteSpark Reception, a FREE
social event with all of the speakers of the CodeWorks conference.  Things
run from 5:30 - 7:30 at the Marriott Brooklyn Bridge.

And while you don't have to attend the conference to attend Microsoft's
WebsiteSpark, YOU SHOULD REGISTER because NYPHP has a special discount.

Use code JDWJ-Q1GE-7N4G when registering to receive a special across the
board $50 discount (it'll even discount other discounts).

Tutorials are also available on Sunday.

Full details and to register: or
see and click the CW logo.

See you there,

Hans Zaunere / Managing Member / New York PHP  /

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