[nycphp-announce] TONIGHT at nyphp: Saving Mongos with MongoDB and PHP

New York PHP hostmaster at
Tue Oct 27 09:26:38 EDT 2009

Check out our new Bootup events at

October General Meeting:
Saving Mongos with MongoDB and PHP

         Date: October 27th, 2009 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor)
RSVP Required:  (all attendees MUST RSVP)
 Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm)

We love Fall - especially since Summer is such a dud - because it's all
about transition and this month we're looking at how web-supporting database
systems are transitioning. We welcome Kristina Chodorow of MongoDB, and
MongoDB PHP extension author, to review these new database trends, and give
us her two mongos as to whether the hot days of the RDBMS are being replaced
by the brisk days of the document database management system (DDBMS

In the last couple of years, dozens of non-relational databases have
appeared to solve problems that relational databases aren't good at.
Kristina will briefly cover the different types databases available and what
their benefits, drawbacks, and features are. Most of the talk will focus on
creating fast, scalable PHP applications by using MongoDB, an easy-to-learn
document-oriented database. She will use the MongoDB PHP driver to
demonstrate how to write a Twitter-like application that scales with users,
friending, and messaging. She will also demonstrate how to use the database
as a file store by creating a Flickr-like application.

Kristina Chodorow is a software engineer at MongoDB. She wrote and maintains
the MongoDB PHP driver.

Read the full description and RSVP at the "new"

Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown
Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings
are always free and open to the public.

Come prepared with a business card to enter book and software raffles.

         Date: October 27th, 2009 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor)
RSVP Required:  (all attendees MUST RSVP)
 Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm)

You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP

Check out our new Bootup events at

New York PHP User Group Community

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