[nycphp-announce] startup at nyphp: Geo/Mobile Hackathon + Startup Weekend

New York PHP hostmaster at
Wed Sep 8 10:36:49 EDT 2010

Double header weekend for mobile technology and startups.

Be that illusive "developer rock star" and we'll see you there.

NYC Geo/Mobile Hack Day

NYC Geo/Mobile Hack Day is a two day event taking place on September 11-12
at Dogpatch Labs NYC where startups and developers come together to discuss
the current landscape of location based technologies.  The startups will
also share their ideas for the businesses and applications that can be built
on top of the frameworks they are creating. At the end of the hack day
developers can submit their creations for the chance to win $1,000!

Learn how it works and register:

Startup Weekend

Startup Weekend is back for its 4th event in NYC! On the weekend of
September 10th, get together with local developers, marketers, designers,
and aspiring entrepreneurs to pitch ideas, form teams and launch new
business ventures over the weekend. Sound intense? It is! By Sunday evening
you'll leave with a full stomach, little sleep, a lot of great networking,
and you'll have seen the rise of a few new startups.

Learn how it works and register:

New York PHP Community

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