[nycphp-announce] special at nyphp: SilverStripe CMS with FREE drinks/food

noreply at noreply at
Fri Apr 29 11:50:30 EDT 2011

Special Event:
SilverStripe CMS and Sapphire MVC framework
PHP 5 CMS and Framework Overview

         Date: THURSDAY, May 5th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway (backroom, ask hostess)
RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)

 Watch Online:

We're pleased to welcome back Sigurd Magnusson and SilverStripe to review
with us the latest in SilverStripe developments and news, including the
Sapphire MVC framework.

And FREE beer and d'oeuvres will be served - thank you to SilverStripe for
sponsoring this event.

You may also tune-in Tuesday at 6:30pm:

SilverStripe CMS ( is an open source CMS designed to be
modern, intuitive, and capable of running government and business websites.
It's also the friend of the PHP developer because at the heart is Sapphire,
an MVC framework written in PHP 5. Co-founder Sigurd Magnusson is visiting
from New Zealand and will give a preview of material to be presented at the
upcoming Chicago CMS Expo Learning and Business Conference (

We have reserved a private backroom at a restaurant, with an LCD, free
wireless, and seating for about 40 people.

Presentation agenda:
  - Overview of SilverStripe CMS and Sapphire framework.
  - Roadmap for 2011: SilverStripe CMS v3.0, and Sapphire as a stand-alone
MVC framework.
  - Software usability and interaction design in an open source model.
  - Q&A.

Read the full description and RSVP at

As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always
free and open to the public.

         Date: THURSDAY, May 5th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway (backroom, ask hostess)
RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)

 Watch Online:

You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP

New York PHP

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