[nycphp-announce] doubleheader at nyphp: Building Mobile Applications using Flash Builder for PHP with FREE food/drink - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and PHP Security

noreply at noreply at
Mon Jun 27 06:36:31 EDT 2011

We have two meetings this week!

- Building Mobile Applications using Flash Builder for PHP (Tuesday)

- Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and PHP Security (Thursday)

See below for details on both events and be sure to RSVP.

June General Meeting
Building Mobile Applications using Flash Builder for PHP
Android and iPhone web development with PHP, Zend Server and Flex

         Date: Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor)
RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)
 Post-Meeting: Join us at TGI Fridays for FREE food + beer

Watch Online:

Summer is in full swing at NYPHP where it's a whole new ballgame of mobile
web development.  This month we're pleased to have pinch-hitters Adobe and
Zend on deck for game two of our June double header.

With classic web development benched, stay in the game with these tech
heavy-hitters as they give us an exclusive in-depth look at their new mobile
starting lineup, Flash Builder for PHP.  Join us this June when sluggers
Ryan Stewart and Edward Kietlinski step up to the plate and take us through
PHP mobile development, from A to Z.

Then come out for extra innings after the presentation for FREE food and
drink at TGI Fridays, thanks to Adobe and Zend.

You may also tune-in at 6:30pm:

As mobile is becoming more and more prominent client platform, developers
are interested in building similar rich desktop apps on mobile, by using
Flash and PHP you can build once and deploy on any major phone device
natively. Zend Server together with Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP adds complete
support for developing, testing and deploying mobile applications built
using Adobe Flex and PHP. Using your existing skills and familiar workflows,
you can now productively build and debug web, desktop and mobile
applications with Flash Builder. Attend this presentation to learn more
details including:

 - Single UI Framework - joint Flash/PHP project creation (Adobe and Zend)
 - Integrated Flex/PHP Debugging (Adobe and Zend)
 - Accelerated coding for Flex and Action Script projects (Adobe)
 - Build and deploy mobile apps for iOS, Android, and the PlayBook (Adobe)

Ryan Stewart (Adobe) holds an economics degree from the University of
Pennsylvania and is now a Rich Internet Application developer and industry
analyst. After graduating from Penn, he spent two years developing
applications for the Wharton School and pushing the idea of the web as a
platform for learning. Ryan now lives in Seattle with his wife and works at
Adobe as a Rich Internet Application Evangelist.

Edward Kietlinski (Zend) I'm currently at Zend Technologies for 5yrs and
have the honor and privilege to work with some of the industries tech
leaders at GE, ADP, NYSE, Cisco, here. I've been working on advanced
Internet projects since the early days at Netscape and then Opsware before
joining Zend. When I'm not working in my office, you can usually find me
working on my historic home in NJ.  Majored in CIS and minored in
IE=analytical approach to Business call Industrial Engineering. I always had
a passion for how entrepreneurs have inspired and spawned business by the
use of technology.

Read the full description and RSVP at

As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always
free and open to the public.

         Date: Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor) 
RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)
 Post-Meeting: Join us at TGI Fridays for free food + beer

Watch Online:

You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP

Security Series
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and PHP Security
OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks Monthly Series

         Date: Thursday, June 30th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway, New York, NY 
RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)

 Watch Online:

New York PHP Community, in collaboration with OWASP, is holding a monthly
series that reviews each of the OWASP Top Ten Web Security threats.

In the final inning of a shutout June, we welcome back Anthony Ferrara to
share his insight and expertise on the ubiquitous vulnerability that is
cross site scripting (XSS).

You may also tune-in at 6:30pm:

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is currently listed as OWASP's #2 highest risk
vulnerability affecting web applications today, yet most people simply don't
understand why they need to be concerned, and even more don't know how to
properly protect themselves against these common threats.

In this talk we will go over the core concepts of XSS - what it is, how it's
exploited, and the severity of the problem. We will dissect a real-world web
application to demonstrate finding - and exploiting - vulnerabilities.
Finally, we will review how to both prevent and thwart the XSS risk in your

Anthony Ferrara is a Senior Developer at NBC Universal, a Zend Certified
Engineer and a OWASP member. He is a contributor to multiple Open Source
projects as well as the community as a whole. He is also a former Core Team
Member and Development Coordinator for the Joomla! project, as well as a
former leader of its Security team. You can follow his blog at or on Twitter at @ircmaxell.

We have reserved a private backroom at a restaurant, with an LCD, free
wireless, and seating for about 40 people.

Read the full description and RSVP at

As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always
free and open to the public.

         Date: Thursday, June 30th, 2011 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway, New York, NY 
RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)

Watch Online:

You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP

New York PHP

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