[nycphp-announce] monday at nyphp: It works for me - From WTFs to Vagrant - plus AppSec2013

New York PHP noreply at
Tue Jul 30 08:25:11 EDT 2013

General Meeting (MONDAY)
It works for me - From WTFs to Vagrant
Development servers with Vagrant and Puppet

         Date: Monday, August 5th, 2013 at 6:30pm (sharp)
     Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway, New York, NY
RSVP Required:
 Post-Meeting: Networking/drinks location to be announced at the meeting.

  Join NYPHP at AppSec 2013, the software security conference by OWASP

In the dead of summer, we're pleased to welcome Daniel Londero in from
Italy to give us the low-down on agile development environment setup using
Vagrant and Puppet.

In the past years I've been working on different kinds of development
environments. From time to time there were improvements but there were
always at least three big problems:

  - long time set up
  - difficult reproduction
  - "It works for me" issues

Nowadays developers can rely on tools like Vagrant and Puppet to automate
creation and provisioning of development environments using the same
configuration of the production environment.

I'll talk about benefits of this approach for lone developers, teams and
companies. I'll also show how it's easy start using Vagrant from download
to up and running with a simple introduction to provisioning with Puppet.

By the end of the talk you'll learn how to help your team to never ever say
again "It works for me".

Daniel Londero is a web application developer specialized in PHP (since
2005) and symfony framework (since 2007). Now in love with symfony2 and TDD
working at Nelmio (, I do my best for the symfony community
translating official documentation (to Italian) and trying to close bugs.

I'm a co-founder of PUG Friuli ( and member of the
GrUSP (The Italian PHP User Group) board committee.

         Date: Monday, August 5th, 2013 at 6:30pm (sharp)
     Location: Suspenders Restaurant, 111 Broadway, New York, NY
RSVP Required:
 Post-Meeting: Networking/drinks location to be announced at the meeting.

New York PHP Meetup Group
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