[nycphp-jobs] possible freelance project - kiosks

Brian Pang bpang at
Mon Nov 10 15:22:57 EST 2003

I have an existing client who is looking to extend the offering of their
website into a kiosk format.

The basic kiosk flow is to be
End-User enters data into kiosk terminal (more than 1 per kiosk)
Data is entered to database
data is formatted to a page and sent to 1 of 2 printers
    each printer is stocked with different pre-printed paper, depending
on End-User selection
Data is sync'ed (somehow) with live site.

I don't really have time to do this entire project by myself.

The biggest roadblocks for me are the print-server configuration
(particularly for 2 printers) and getting the page formatted for
printing, but I could probably use some help with other parts of it.

Contact me off-list.


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