[nycphp-jobs] part-time for week of April 19th and possible full-time starting soon

Carlos G. Chiossone carlos at
Wed Apr 14 14:46:25 EDT 2004

Hi, we are looking for 1 programmer to work with us the week of April 19th, to the 23rd. And we are also interviewing for a programming position that will be opening in the next few weeks.

Programming requirements
- Full knowledge of: PHP, MySQL, HTML, Javascript, CSS
- Full understanding of: Linux, Apache, IIS, Smarty Templates
- Good knowledge of: MSQL, ASP.NET

At least 2 years of experience in programming websites

Other requirements
- U.S. Citizenship or Green Card
- Already living in NYC or commuting area
- Will work well with a team and independently
- Has no problems with dogs or kids; both of them are at the office very often.

What type of projects will you be working on?
-	Maintenance of publications that we represent on-going
-	Development of new websites, large and small
-	Development of our own CMS
-	Server maintenance and application implementation
-	Making coffee once in a while, mud style is fine for those long hours
-	Switching a bulb here and there may also be needed

About Sprout: we are a small web development firm, that caters to clients such as Sony Digital, Time Inc, Hearst Publications, and others. Please see our web site at for more. 
You will be working with a graphic designer, our creative director/producer and myself. Many projects will be done as a team, but others may just fall in your lap, so please be ready for that. We usually start at 10AM and end at 6PM, lunch means go-get-it and bring it in, or you can come earlier or leave later if you wish to take a longer lunch. As a small company we are very flexible in most ways, but along the same token when we are very busy we can be very demanding, deadlines are very important. Cell phone use will not be permitted as of your arrival unless is for emergency use. And when you are here, it means you are working for us and no one else, unless pre-arranged with us.

Since I have little time to hire for next week and also for the full-time position to come, I wrote the paragraph above so I can be as clear as possible. The work environment is great so we hope that you can add to it.

Please email me your resume to jobs at, do not send it to me directly as that email address automatically will forward it to 3 different people. I will be interviewing Thursday and Friday for next weeks job.

Carlos Chiossone

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