[nycphp-jobs] [Fwd: [PHP-EVANGELISM] Hiring a Developer in Orlando - Full Time Employemnt]

Brian and Doris Fargher bdfargher at
Sat Jan 31 12:49:31 EST 2004

The easiest and most effective place to meet people seeking Jesus (John
12:21) is in their own homes. Consider the advantages: (1) an endless number
of contacts; (2) every contact is successful; (3) Outsiders feel most
comfortable on their own turf; (4) you can contact them repeatedly; (5) the
whole family is contacted; (6) a neighbourhood is saturated; (7) individuals
can  do it; (8) teams can do it; (9) churches can do it; (10) it is highly
cost effective.
So what’s the problem? The problem is that such preaching is either a
delight or a disaster. To maximize its potential it must be done well. Many
people would like to do it, talk about doing it, even plan to do it, but
they don’t know how. Lots have tried, failed and given up. I invite you to
learn how to do home-to-home evangelism successfully.
My book, “Outreach Insights,” shows how to do home-to-home evangelism
effectively. It is 413 pages of very practical advice gained from 50 years
of ministry.
Cost: US$20 plus postage, to anywhere in the world. (Do not send any money
To order, or for queries: bdfargher at
Kindest regards in Jesus’ name,
Brian L. Fargher, B.D.(London), M.Th.(Vancouver), Ph.D (Aberdeen)
Executive Director, Urban Missionaries’ Association of Canada
Genuine Kiwi! Missionary with SIM in Ethiopia for almost 30 yrs. On staff
with Campus Crusade in Canada for 18 years.
PS Please pass this email on to your friends who are interested in
introducing Jesus to those who are seeking Him (John 12:21).

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