[nycphp-jobs] Programmer position available

hr151 hr151 at
Fri Mar 26 15:49:11 EST 2004

Posted 3/26/2004


Ladders, Inc. is seeking an experienced Programmer to join its technology staff. This position requires experience and understanding of Open
Source web applications programming, and familiarity with systems administration tasks. Knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming and
Relational Databases is also required.

This position is located in Manhattan, in the Chelsea area. The Programmer will work onsite, in our offices, during normal business hours.
PLEASE do not apply if you do not currently live in our immediate area. We are not currently accepting applications from recruiters, so
principals only, please.

The successful candidate will be expected to be flexible in the range of their responsibilities and to deliver results in an aggressive

Ladders, Inc. was founded by industry veterans that helped sell HotJobs to Yahoo! for $436 mm, and we are looking to do it again.

Position Description: The Programmer will report to the VP, Technology and will be responsible for the development of high-quality, reliable
computer software. The Programmer will also have light responsibility for systems administration and will participate in Open Source projects.

    * Responsibilities include: Develop, test and debug PHP programs for the Company website;
    * Develop, test and debug Perl programs for the support of the Company website and for systems administration tasks;
    * Efficiently create tools, utilities, programs and documentation in support of the above tasks;
    * Utilize the source archive system for version and release control;
    * Provide timekeeping information for project management;
    * Attend appropriate technology and industry meetings;
    * Contribute to Open Source projects

    * Position Requirements: 2-5 years of *commercial* experience programming in languages such as C/C++, Perl, and PHP with an emphasis on PHP
and Perl;
    * Understanding of object oriented programming;
    * Strong knowledge of relational database management systems, including MySQL or Postgres;
    * Practical knowledge of large-scale consumer websites and e-mail delivery systems very useful;
    * Strong problem solving skills;
    * The ability to communicate clearly and effectively with the technology team, other teams within the company and, occasionally with
customers and vendors.
    * Solid nowledge of *nix operating systems, especially Linux;
    * Familiarity with Open Source and the Open Source community;
    * Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript desirable;

Salary range: $40,000 - $50,000 per year depending on skills and experience.

To apply, please send a cover letter describing your experience, and a plaintext version of your resume (no Word or PDF, please) to
hr151 at

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