[nycphp-jobs] Fotolog is looking an experienced PHP developer

Warren L. Habib whabib at
Thu Aug 4 16:50:43 EDT 2005

Fotolog is an exciting, fast-moving startup environment.  We are looking for
a server side developer who can help build a highly scaleable back end to
support our photo and community-oriented website. This developer will know
how to identify bottlenecks that can develop in a high volume site and
optimize the code to avoid them. The developer must be able to create highly
efficient, but maintainable code that intelligently uses DB resources and
can scale as additional machines are added to the clusters.   We want people
with ideas on how to store, sort and search massive quantities of data.

- 5 - 10 years experience 
- Experience building distributed applications 
- Experience with Apache and Apache open source projects. Desirable:
experience creating Apache modules
- Heavy PHP, Perl, C, C++
- Experience with DB design and MySQL development and optimization

- BS in computer science or math preferred


Please email techjobs at with your resume.


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