[nycphp-jobs] short-term contract available.

Mark Donoghue mark at
Wed Aug 31 13:10:33 EDT 2005

Content Directions, Inc. needs a PHP programmer for a short-term 
project (3 weeks).  Telecommuting OK.

In addition to PHP successful candidates will have experience with some 
or all of the following:

1) Perl -- We have a Perl version of the library.  It should be used as 
a template for the PHP version's functionality and will be the primary 
learning aid for you.
2) DHTML -- specifically HierMenus (  
The library is primarily a code generator for HierMenus.
3) Unix/Linux -- You will be working in a Linux environment.
4) CVS --
5) Java -- We also have a Java version you might find useful to look at.
6) Documentation -- Your code must be documented thoroughly. No 
exceptions.  Our customers will be using the library.
7) PHP Caching -- the library must maintain a local cache so, you'll 
need to be familiar with how to accomplish that in PHP.

The software you will be porting can be perused at:

If you are interested send an email to mdonoghue [at]  Include your availability, rate, links to your 
work if possible and references if you have them.


  *     Mark Donoghue
  *     Consulting Engineer
  *     Content Directions, Inc.
  *     p: (845) 242-8501
  *     e: MDonoghue at
  *  doi:

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