[nycphp-jobs] PHP Developers

michael at michael at
Wed Jul 6 12:46:48 EDT 2005

Immediately need developers to support a design shop! Looking to develop a long-term relationship with freelance programmers who have the capacity to sit in an office space located in Brooklyn (Dumbo area) on occasion and independently handle programming mainly for projects consisting of PHP, CSS & Javascript and on occasion ActionScript/Python relating to Plone(w/ ZPT).
Hours are flexible and we like to have fun but we are also very serious about the quality of work delivered to the client and meeting deadlines!
Perfect for a full-time freelancer who has been working from their home and is looking to get out of their house every once in awhile.

Looking to interview candidates IN PERSON (New York Metro Area) this week so please submit your RESUME, sample code or websites that you have done. We do not care about good looking websites, the more functionality/programming oriented the better!

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