[nycphp-jobs] Programmer wanted for web-based social software / virtual town hall

daniel scott kosit1 at
Sun Jun 5 22:16:21 EDT 2005

We are looking to hire an experienced programmer interested in working 
on web based software aimed at strengthening democratic grassroot 
networks.  We are creating a social software and CMS that has built in 
democratic processes.  It will be like a virtual town hall for 
networked organizations.

We have design flats, extensive feature lists, and a mapped out 
workflow.  Ideally the site will be built on a modified open source CMS 
such as drupal, plone, or developed in ruby on rails, but we are open 
to suggestions. There is also an open source project called Aroundme 
(php, mysql) that may be a good starting point.

So far we have an excellent designer and a skilled html / xml / css 
coder.  We need a programmer to complete the team. This is a 
not-for-profit project.

We look forward to your response.


Daniel Scott
kosit1 at

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