[nycphp-jobs] Wanted: Ninja PHP Developer

ypasqua at ypasqua at
Thu Jun 30 10:53:37 EDT 2005

Schematic (, a leading interactive agency, is looking 
for a totally ninja PHP Developer to join our Web-based application 
development team. Developers lead and work with technical project teams 
to architect, design and develop systems.

Ideal candidates will have experience developing Web applications using 
a mix of PHP and other technologies. You must have at least 3 years 
experience developing Web applications in a business environment, and 
strong knowledge of at least two of the following: ASP, PHP, Perl, Java 
(JSP, Servlets, or EJB). You must also have at least a working 
knowledge of Unix: Linux, BSD, or Solaris.

Very good knowledge of SQL programming is also necessary. The candidate 
should also have some experience administering relational databases 
such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or MySQL (installing 
database software, updating tables, users, permissions, etc.)

Plusses for the position include experience with all aspects of the 
Software Development Lifecycle including design, development, quality 
assurance and release management; an understanding of a formalized 
design methodology such as UML; experience with Web technologies such 
as HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML and JavaScript.

Applicants should email ypasqua at schematic dot com with a resume in 
plain text, RTF or PDF (no other formats will be opened). Include a 
cover letter outlining your skills and experience in the email. This 
position is full-time/permanent, on-site in our New York office. No 
out-of-town candidates will be considered. No recruiters please. 

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