[nycphp-jobs] Freelance PHP Developer Wanted

Ira Cary Blanco blanco at
Fri May 20 11:55:35 EDT 2005

Freelance PHP Developer Wanted

We are looking for a PHP developer to work on our company's website. A local
developer (Long Island, NYC) would be strongly preferred , but we're open to
working with developers from out of the area.

We are rewriting an existing Coldfusion/SQL Server site to PHP/MySQL. This
is a brochure style website (One Company - 4 brands/ many
categories/subcategories/products per brand) with a small eCommerce
component. Full Text searches will be implemented. We will be responsible
for the layout (XHTML/CSS), the developer will work with us creating code
that fits into our layout. We will be responsible for the servers. The
Candidate will be working with a project manager with strong technical
skills and knowledge of the underlining technologies.

* 4 or more years experience MySQL/PHP Development
* Make extensive use PHP (version 4) Object Oriented Programming
* Modular CMS approach
* Comfortable developing/staging/deploying on Apache/Linux Platform
* Writing code that generates and reads cleans URLs (via explode function or
mod-rewrite QSAs)
* Knowledge of XHTML/CSS web standards approach to page design
* Knowledge of security issues (XSS, SQL Injection, etc.) is extremely
* Ideally all code will be stored in a Subversion repository for review
during development.
* A Bachelor's degree in computer science or (related field) is preferred.

We're located on Long Island, we'd prefer a few person to person meetings at
our facility or at a location in NYC.

This is a freelance position that will last until the scope of the project
is complete.

Please email phpdev (at) if you would like more detailed

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