[nycphp-jobs] Front End Developer Needed

Scott Mattocks scott at
Tue Nov 22 14:49:58 EST 2005

Yamaha Music Interactive is looking for a front end developer to assist
in re-implementing an existing E-Commerce site. The site will be rebuilt
using Smarty. The front end developer will be asked to convert wire
frames and design comps into Smarty templates. The comps must be broken
down into reusable tiles that can be plugged into an MVC framework.

- Strong understanding of HTML
- Strong understanding of cross-browser CSS
- Strong understanding of cross-browser Javascript
- Smarty
- An understanding of PHP
- Experience working with multi-lingual websites (The site is in German)
- Linux experience
- Experience with CVS
- Photoshop

Ideally the candidate will be able to assist in the design of the site
and create the comps as well as create the final templates. This project
is expected to last approximately two weeks. The developer must work on
site in our office in Midtown during normal business hours.

Please send a resume, hourly rates, and sample URLs to
smattocks at

Thank you,
Scott Mattocks
Yamaha Music Interactive, Inc.
smattocks at

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