[nycphp-jobs] Marvel Entertainment seeks freelance PHP and LAMP Ninjas

Peter Olson peter at
Wed Apr 12 10:38:59 EDT 2006

Hi List:

Marvel Enterprises seeks a freelance PHP developer and/or a freelance
Linux administrator to work on a couple of projects.  Please reply to
polson at marvel dot com.  Here are the basic scopes of work:

PHP: We have several PHP development projects on our plate right now, most
of which involve integrating a custom user model with the 3rd party API's.
We expect this to be a 4-6 week stint.

Linux: We need a freelance admin to execute an PHP/MySQL 5 upgrade as well
as some other basic linux/apache admin tasks.  Duration based on estimate
from the candidate.

If one person can fufill both of these roles, that's preferable, but not
absolutely necessary.  Candidates must be able to work on-site in our New
York offices during normal workday hours for the duration of the project.

Excellent PHP programming skills, using PHP 4, PHP 5 and PHP
object-oriented development
Extensive experience integrating MySQL databases with PHP
Experience with XML / XSLT, SMARTY or other template architectures
Experience with Verisign API or other e-commerce API's
Experience customizing message boards and other open-architecture
applications and integrating with custom object models.
Basic understanding of Adobe Photoshop and image production techniques
Ability to translate wireframes, mockups and other requirements
documentation into functioning code
Experience with Flash helpful but not required
Experience with Linux administration helpful but not required.
Bachelor’s degree, preferably in a related field (computer science,
marketing or design)

Thanks a lot,
peter olson

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