[nycphp-jobs] PHP 5 expert required

Keith Brown kbrown at
Wed Dec 6 11:49:27 EST 2006

Sacure is currently looking for a seasoned professional to provide technical
leadership and direction.

The following skills are essential: 
- 3+ years programming experience with PHP 5
- Experience providing technical leadership on a development team
- Working knowledge of  PH5 coding using UML tools, GoF development patterns
- Excellent analytical, technical aptitude, and problem solving skills
- Exceptional attention to detail and organization
- A positive attitude and superior work ethic
- Strong communication (verbal and written), time management skills, fast
learner, self- motivated, and comfortable taking initiative and handling
multiple tasks simultaneously
- Team oriented with good interpersonal skills and the ability to
collaborate effectively with coworkers and product management team
- Committed to a quality end product
- Demonstrated ability to learn beyond professional training 

A distinct advantage for this position would be: 
- Has led a development team for web-based system(s)
- Must have experience in developing enterprise applications using CASE
- Experience working on n-tier architectures, XML -RPC, SOAP, & REST
- Proficient in developing batch applications using PHP5 CLI
- Working knowledge of Code Charge Studio.
- A strong desire to keep abreast of the latest in Internet technology and
apply that knowledge to solve complex development issues.
- Past experience developing PHP solutions to support high-traffic websites.

We offer a dynamic environment, excellent growth opportunities, and a
comprehensive benefits package 

Required Qualifications: 
Skills Requirements: 
PHP 5,PHP CLI, Case Tools, UML tools, CodeCharge Studio, 



About Sacure:  


Sacure is dedicated to protecting customers' valued digital assets and
resources. This is accomplished through a cost-effective combination of
managed, monitored, and professional security services. Sacures' highly
credentialed security experts apply security disciplines across networks,
systems, applications and policies to continually improve our customers'
security postures. Our propitiatory methodology employs a wide range of
tools, 3rd party products and techniques which can be delivered from our
Security Operations Center (SOC) or anywhere in the World.



Keith Brown

VP Sacure

Sacure Inc

732-469-1300 Ext 12 office

kbrown at





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