[nycphp-jobs] Needing a FOSS-aware CTO for Jersey work

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Feb 17 14:03:53 EST 2006

Hi gang,

I'm helping a friend look for a CTO, and am accepting resumes and
performing interviews for them. I thought I would look here, as the
majority of the candidates they have found were not hands-on folks
with relevant FOSS experience. Yes, some of them thought PHP was a

So, here is the type of CTO that they are looking for - is that you?

* Well-versed in LAMP technologies
* Well-versed in high-traffic (think billions, not millions)
* Good development operational skills (revision control, change management)
* Strong understanding of development methodologies
* Strong OO background
* Can manage/negotiate vendor contracts
* Good enterprise operational knowledge (WAN/LAN, hardware, software, PBX etc)

In a nutshell, this company has fully leveraged LAMP as the core of
their business, and is living and dying by it. At present they have a
huge homegrown codebase that is no longer maintainable as it is
entirely based on procedural, ad-hoc code. The developers are all good
foot soldiers, but there is currently no "alpha male" personality to
drive technology direction.

They are looking for someone that can come in, roll up the sleeves,
assert dominance, and get things organized and streamlined so that
they can get back to their formerly nimble, agile competitive selves

Please write me back if you are interested, or know someone that might
be interested. So far the interview process has been, um, less than

Mitch Pirtle
Joomla! Core Developer
Open Source Matters

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