[nycphp-jobs] PHP/Perl Developer Needed

bps solutions bpsjobs at
Fri Mar 10 14:59:25 EST 2006

Software Development/Marketing company in Midtown seeks a PHP/Perl

We have a heavy list of clients, and an immediate need for development and
maintenance of:
* PHP4 content management site
* PHP5 content management/e-commerce site
* Perl e-commerce site

Qualified applicants will have knowledge of the following skills:
* E-commerce site concerns (security, ease of use)
* Web skills (HTML, JavaScript, CSS)
* OO design concepts
* Database design and interaction via DBI, PHP4 mysql, and PHP5 mysqli
* Documentation
* Strong ideas about how things "should" be coded, and a willingness to back
this up.

Nice-to-haves (or interests in learning more about):
* Web 2.0 (AJAX)
* Other OO programming languages (We currently have projects in OOPHP, .Net,
Java, and I'm trying to score us a Ruby gig.)
* Collaborative system/project design

About us:
* We are a small agency with a heavy technology bent.
* We're located across the street from Grand Central Station.
* Company currently has 5 full-time employees (2 developers, 1 designer, 2
sales) plus a small band of contractors.
* We've been around for 18 months.

About the job:
* Full-time contract to perm position
* On-site, no telecommuters. Definitely no offshorers.  (Is that a word?)
* Contract rate of $35-40/hour commensurate with experience

Sorry for the cloak-and-dagger of not telling you who we are.  We don't have
support staff to handle the deluge of phone calls that job offers always
unleash.  Rest assured if you are qualified, your email will be returned,
and I will tell you all about us.

To apply, please email your resume to bpsjobs at or fax your resume
to 646-202-9453.

Jim Bishop
Manager of Internet Technologies
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