[nycphp-jobs] Job posting

genius at genius at
Tue Nov 21 12:04:04 EST 2006

I have 2 upcoming projects in need of PHP assistance.

One is a simple job that's part of a larger project. I need someone to
write some code to generate a handful of 
emails to about 300 employees. Each email will be customized based on input
from a back-end database, generated 
by the results of an interactive on-line Flash gaming experience.

The other project is re-appropriating the code from a website (with the
permission of the original coder, of course) 
and reusing it for a simillar one. The visual user interface will be
different, but the underlying structure and 
navigation will be the same. Sort of a re-skinning.

In the long-term, I am looking for PHP coders that I can work with over and
over again. I am a multi-disciplinary 
designer and projects come my way all the time where I am in need of a
crackerjack programmer. I found a great one 
about 2 years ago through this site, and now he's too busy from all the
work I referred to him and can't work on my 
stuff! I'm not kidding.

I am your standard neurotic, demanding designer. However, I am fair, honest
and pragmatic and I do kick-ass work! 
I have a broad skillset, however coding is the one thing I DO NOT DO!

Please respond with a cover email, resume, list of URLs that you feel proud
of, your hourly rate and 2-3 professional 
references. I usually contract programmers based on a flat per project rate.

What I am looking for in a coder... Besides the obvious level of
competentcy that I'm sure you have, I need someone 
who will return phonecalls in a timely manner, do whatever it takes to
deliver when they say they planned to deliver, 
let me know when they run into snags as soon as possible and let me know if
they need to renegotiate deadlines, 
implement my design as I intended, and alert me to when things I envision
won't work and negotiate solutions 
before plowing ahead. If this sounds like you, send me your stuff!

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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