[nycphp-jobs] 2 programmers needed ASAP

Carlos Chiossone carlos at
Tue Oct 3 14:02:09 EDT 2006

Hi all, needs you ASAP. We are looking for 2 great programmers
for in-house only for a period of 4 weeks. You need to be a guru on PHP and
MySQL, be an expert in HTML layout and the use of Javascript. And most of
all, have "experience" in the field.

If you meet our criteria, are able to work in NYC at our offices and are
available immediately for 1 month, please email us your resume, past web
experience building CMS sites, and your weekly rate. Also please be prepared
to show us your work.

Please DO NOT respond if you can not work at our offices, we need the work
done here.

Thanks for your time!

Carlos Chiossone

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