[nycphp-jobs] Web Application Developers CT/NY

Santacroce, Christine A. Christine.Santacroce.2003 at
Wed Sep 6 10:02:16 EDT 2006

My firm is searching for web applications developers with the following skills.  We are looking for intermediate - expert level HTML, CSS, Java, Javascript, PHP. We are also interested with individuals with JBoss, Weblogic or Websphere. We have positions throughout the CT/NY area.  If you are interested in hearing about any new opportunities please feel free to contact me at your convenience. I can be reached at Christine.Santacroce at  My direct-line is 203-599-6112. Please forward word formatted resumes along with hourly rates/salary rates and geographic availability.  I look forward to hearing from some strong developers. 
**In particular, strong ColdFusion developers are needed on an urgent basis for full-time roles along the CT/NY border!!! Urgent need...

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