[nycphp-jobs] Looking for PHP Project Technical Manager

Art Shectman art at
Mon Aug 6 18:45:44 EDT 2007

I'm looking for a technical project manager to help me deliver 3-4 PHP
projects that we're just kicking off, or will kick off next month.  The job
is for work on site at our offices in Midtown.  I'll also pay out a referral
fee for anyone you send to us that we wind up hiring for full time work of
$500.  No recruiters or agencies please, we're looking for full timers to
join our growing team.

Elephant Ventures is a Digital Marketing boutique located in midtown NYC.
We're a dynamic group of folks with a great sense of humor, and a fierce
teamwork attitude.  We provide clients with technology development, Search
Engine Marketing, E-mail Marketing, and other Strategic Marketing, Branding,
and Business consulting services. 

The ideal candidate will have some (or ALL) of the following skills:

PHP Project Manager
-5+ years of web development experience
-Solid Understanding of databases and MySQL familiarity
-Familiarity with AJAX/DHTML/Javascript a plus
-Experienced with some open source software and implementing/customizing OS
packages to deliver a project.  Work to determine what can be used out of
the box vs. what needs custom development.
-Solution Design background and System Integration experience
-Some HTML & CSS skills
-Great work ethic
-Commitment to quality in their work
-Out of the box thinker
-Great written and Communication Skills
-Very Disciplined Project Manager.  Lots of client communication will be
needed and project tracking and issue resolution.

Send me a resume and a short note about what you are looking for.


Art Shectman
Elephant Ventures
Strategic Digital Marketing

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