[nycphp-jobs] Web Manager and PHP Developer

Ricki Goldman ricki at
Mon Dec 10 14:49:56 EST 2007

Web Manager and Developer -  (Salary Negotiable Based on Experience)

PHP/Mysql  for Video Sharing Website
Javascript-Ajax, Dreamweaver, Eclipse
Server Experience Important

Employer: Professor Ricki Goldman, NYU
In your e-mail's subject line, please include the words "VIDEO JOB"

Job Description:

We are looking to hire a BRILLIANT developer to join our team  
immediately. ONLY someone who has already taken a website tool to   
completion and can work 25-30 hours a week starting now and going  
through the holidays, except for Xmas Day and New Year’s Day and at  
least,  until middle of February. Please do not apply unless you meet  
this  requirement.

The creator of this tool and project director of the tool is an MIT   
Media Lab alum and an award winning software creator and a professor  
with two books on this subject. You will become part of our team, and  
you'll report to the project director.

Applicant will complete development of an already existing application  
to be presented (launched at conference) this Spring. The project is  
essentially an online video tool for communities to analyze data. It  
is about half done and our main programmer has a family emergency. You  
will need to pick up the ball and run with it, fast!

You should be someone who
• Has great coder powers – we’re looking for master coder & developer.
• Is proficient with object-oriented PHP4knows MySQL well enough to
do complicated multi-table join queries (including subqueries)
• Is familiar with design patterns for database-driven classes in PHP
• Can implement good organization
• Has server know-how

  Additional Abilities:
• You’ve developed high-traffic mysql-driven applications and can show  
it to us!
• You can optimize mysql database indices
• You know what subversion is and you use it
• System admin experience

Please send us:
• URL’s of sites that run on PHP/MySQL that YOU have built!!
• Samples of clean, well-documented code that you have written
• A resume your phone number and email address
• Something you have created, for the hell of it!

Negotiable salary based on experience, with the expectation of  
somewhere in the range of 30 hours over the next 15 weeks. Longer is  

Hours: Part-Time
This job pays at an hourly rate

Contact Information:

Dr. Ricki Goldman
Associate Professor, Co-Director CREATE Lab
NYU Steinhardt

Subject Header: Video Job


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