[nycphp-jobs] Web Developer - NYC - ERE Media

David Manaster david at
Fri Feb 9 12:39:14 EST 2007

Our company, ERE Media is looking for a crack Web Developer to rebuild our
existing site - <>  - in a LAMP environment.
You'll be working with really sharp people in a nontraditional work
environment where your contributions will immediately impact thousands of


To be considered, please email your resume to me at david (at)




Web Developer


ERE Media, Inc., the leading B2B media company providing information and
community for recruiting professionals, is looking for a web developer to
help take our web site ( <> and
services to the next level. 

The web developer will be one of the primary technology, programming, and
web experts at ERE. We're looking for someone who is well versed in a wide
array of programming techniques and languages, someone who is innovative and
willing to become a leader in technology advancement at ERE, and someone who
is ready and able to handle many of the company's programming and IT
initiatives. Working closely with the development team, the web developer
will be integral in creating and implementing all new development projects
and for upgrading and improving upon existing features. 

This is a role that will primarily involve developing emerging concepts and
beta products to be exposed to the public via the website. This is a
leading-edge position and requires the candidate to be technically very
strong and up to date with the latest web application development standards
and trends. 

ERE is a small enough company that you will almost instantly see people
using the products you help develop -- and your efforts will have a major
impact on the bottom line. The atmosphere at ERE is highly entrepreneurial;
a talented person will have the freedom to innovate and drive development.
To that end, we are looking for a person who will understand our business on
a deeper level and help guide our development alongside business goals. 


Major responsibilities for this position include: 

* Developing tools, functions, and features for ERE's online professional
network and email publications 
* Managing and optimizing ERE's content, user and product data management
* Managing and developing ERE's back-end website administration tools 
* Supporting any major IT initiatives at ERE 
* Assisting ERE employees in defining web requirements and building
rough-draft prototypes for approval. Working with members of team to
identify and prioritize changes to current website 
* Staying up to date on web application trends and being an advocate for
technology innovation at ERE 
* Being a part of the decision-making team on all technology purchases and
buy vs. build discussions 
* Establishing and promoting best practice guidelines for system
architecture, database design, etc. 
* Generating creative technology solutions to issues ranging from customer
service and order management to community development and content delivery 


The requirements for this position are as diverse as the responsibilities.
While no single requirement below is a "must have," some degree of
familiarity with all of the requirements is essential. Most important is the
ability to learn and embrace the new or unfamiliar, the willingness to work
hard, and -- above all else -- the drive to GET THINGS DONE. 

Requirements for this position include: 

* Minimum of two years experience in developing web (or related)
* Degree in CS or related field 
* Proficiency in developing and configuring all aspects of LAMP (Linux,
Apache, MySQL, PHP) 
* Knowledge of relational database structure, management and optimization
* Knowledge of principles of object-oriented programming, MVC design
patterns, and web development frameworks 
* Willingness to learn quickly, adapt to change, and constantly upgrade your
programming skills and knowledge 
* Ability to work hard, work independently, and commit to getting things
* Experience developing applications in an online 24/5 media environment is
a big plus 
* Excitement about "Web 2.0" and other web innovation concepts a big plus 
* Interface design skills a big plus 
* Familiarity with email distribution systems and ad serving software a plus

* Familiarity with Smarty template engine a plus 
* Experience working for a B2B website or media company a plus 

ERE is a small, fast-growing, Manhattan-based company with significant
development projects on its agenda, and this is an exciting opportunity for
a web development professional who is looking to expand their horizons, work
with a wide range of technologies, and develop innovative technology tools
to support a robust, growing community of business professionals. 

If you think you've got what it takes to help lead ERE's web development
initiatives and become a vital part of the company's future success, send a
brief cover letter, resume, and ideally some links to examples of your work
to David Manaster at david (at) No calls please. 

To learn more about ERE and the company's products and services, visit

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