[nycphp-jobs] PHP Developer Needed

Brad Milne bmilne38 at
Mon Jul 30 09:36:18 EDT 2007

We're a start-up based out of Princeton, dedicated to building a social 
network around the college admissions process. Last June we won firstprize 
in the Princeton Entrepreneurs' Network and have been in development for the 
past 7 months. Currently, we're in private beta and are looking to open the 
website to the public as school starts this fall.

Right now we have 3 developers in-house and are looking to expand as we need 
to be able to scale rapidly this fall as the site opens. We also would like 
to speed up development of planned functionality as we are getting more 
interest than we anticipated.

We are looking to hire full-time or part-time, on a contract basis or 
otherwise, and are open to contractors working on or off-site. Pay will be 
competitive and based on experience (MySQL, PHP, Drupal, Linux, Javascript, 
etc.) and we're looking to hire immediately.

Please contact me at Brad at or give me a call at 609-751-2843 for 
a full description of the job.

Thanks for the interest,


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