[nycphp-jobs] Looking for Senior LAMP Architects, and Junior HTML/PHP programmers to join our team

Art Shectman art at
Fri Jun 8 13:48:07 EDT 2007

Are you bored at your current job?  Are you a technology athlete looking for
a challenge?  We work on interesting projects, with a  mix of technologies,
and there is always something new to puzzle your way through.  Maybe you and
your team are in a bad situation somewhere else?  We'll take the whole lot
of you.

I'm looking for 2-3 LAMP developers in the NYC area for work on site at our
offices, or work at our clients in the NY-Metro area.  We have 3 positions
to fill.  I'll also pay out a referral fee for anyone you send to us that we
wind up hiring for full time work of $500.  No recruiters or agencies
please, we're looking for full timers to join our growing team.

Elephant Ventures is a Digital Marketing boutique located in midtown NYC.
We're a dynamic group of folks with a great sense of humor, and a fierce
teamwork attitude.  We provide clients with technology development, Search
Engine Marketing, E-mail Marketing, and other Strategic Marketing, Branding,
and Business consulting services. 

The ideal candidates have some (or ALL) of the following skills:

Senior Architect
-5+ years of web development experience
-Expert Understanding of databases, SQL expert
-Familiarity with AJAX/DHTML/Javascript a plus
-Experienced with lots of technologies and software products
-Solution Design background and System Integration experience
-Ability to understand systems that use: Java/JSP, PERL/cgi, Coldfusion,
Miva Merchant, PHP, AJAX, and a whole host of ther technologies.  You don't
have to have direct experience with them, but our architects fear no
technology and can easily ingest and integrate alternate systems and
technologies into their solutions.
-Solid Unix Server/Apache Server/MySQL setup/admin skills
-Solid HTML & CSS skills
-Great work ethic
-Commitment to quality in their work
-Out of the box thinker
-Great written and Communication Skills

Senior Software Engineer
-3+ years of web development experience
-Advanced Understanding of databases, SQL expert
-Solid HTML & CSS skills
-Great work ethic
-Commitment to quality in their work
-Out of the box thinker
-Great written and communication Skills

Junior PHP/HTML/CSS developer
-1+ years of web development experience
-Basic Understanding of databases
-Solid HTML & CSS skills
-Great work ethic
-Out of the box thinker
-Great written and communication Skills
-Detail oriented

Send me a resume and a short note about what you are looking for and which
position you think you'd be a match for.


Art Shectman
Elephant Ventures
Strategic Digital Marketing
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