[nycphp-jobs] Consulting / Contract Opening

Jeff Wilhelm - NYPHP nyphp at
Fri May 25 13:43:44 EDT 2007

A company that I do network administration / infrastructure development is
looking for someone skilled in optimizing their platform, which currently
runs on open source technologies.
Specifically they are looking for someone with experience in performance
tuning of MySQL, can monitor and optimize Apache, JBoss and Tomcat, and has
experience working with web applications in an n-tier architecture.
This is a consulting gig and no movement would be required, however their
ideal candidate would be located in the Southern New England area, or within
250 miles of Providence, RI (that is where the server environment is
currently hosted, although the company has offices in RI, MN the UK, and
Interested parties can fire me an email (jeff.wilhelm at and I
will pass the contacts along to the COO of the other company.
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