[nycphp-jobs] AMP application project needs boost - several week project

Bob Visnov rvisnov at
Tue Oct 23 21:52:09 EDT 2007

I have an AMP-based application project underway for a client in midtown
NY that is going too slowly and needs a rocket boost. I emphasize that
this is an application, not a website, so the developer must be able to
think that way. The first phase is to repair and make work an existing
code base written by a programmer of modest skills. Been there? There
are a couple of others on the project who can help you get up to speed.

There will be a phase 2 which represents an overhaul whose aim is to
make the application a commercial web-based application. It's actually a
killer in a particular industry.

Also you MUST be in the NYC area because you will need to work with
users directly for various reasons, including some handholding once we
go live. I don't mean that you must work at that office, but you must be
able to visit occasionally.

The current phase is fixed-fee, but that fee has some room. I anticipate
3 to 4 weeks elapsed time to nail this, working significant hours per
week. Show me some very strong PHP chops, decent MySQL, application
experience, and reasonable availability! Thanks.

Bob Visnov
contact at

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