[nycphp-jobs] PHP/MySQL Developer Wanted

Tim Dooley tdooley at
Wed Sep 19 11:55:38 EDT 2007

We are looking for a new cake php programmer to pick up where our 
current one left off. Our website is 
<> – we need someone to help us:

1. Add/change various features to the current site
2. Maintain and improve our current multi-user (user friendly)
database, which is based on one of the language based below (I am
not sure which one myself) - here is a screen shot of the


* You should have experience with PHP and with MYSQL, LAMP stack
* You must be VERY reachable; we have had the unfortunate experience
of not being able to contact our programmers for days on end –
it’s ok if you are busy/away/unavailable, it is just important for
you to let us know.
* You must be able to keep deadlines, this means, you set realistic
deadlines for yourself, which we will expect you to uphold, and
that you have the discipline to keep them. If you like, you can
provide us with references that highlight you ability to do this.
* A professional/diligent attitude to work without losing your
creative ability.
* Languages (if you don’t know every single one it can probably
still be figured out):

· PHP5


· OOProgramming (Basics)

· CakePHP Framework

· Apache 1.3/2.0

· MySQL 4/5

· Subversion

· Linux Administration (Basic)


· ImageMagik

· HTML / CSS / Javascript

· Prototype / JQuery

· LAMP Stack

_The upside:_

_ _

* We were once one of the most trafficked websites in New York, if
you are good with the tasks you will eventually (soon) be selected
to head the redesign of the entire site, for which we have a
pretty good roadmap, but need someone to execute on. Once the site
is created there will be a lot of (increasingly lucrative) tasks
for you to fulfill on project basis.
* We are open to suggestions in the process, will respect your
opinion, and are looking to make and honestly great and cutting
edge website.
* We are also interested in creating RSS output options within the
user Database, constructing and Mass e-mail system as well as
creating a tool to accept RSS inputs into the site

Please let me know if you think you have time or are able to work on 
this. If you are interested please send resume, contact info, weekly 
availability and rate to :

Tim Dooley
info at

Timothy J. Dooley
Tungsten Partners
13 Crosby St.
Suite 304
New York, NY 10013
tdooley at
(M) 	516.241.0912
(W) 	212.343.7330
(F) 	212.937.4666

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