[nycphp-jobs] drupal help needed

Jeremy Donson jdonson at
Sun Sep 23 14:06:30 EDT 2007

What I need most is a crash course with Drupal asap.
I have it installed so even a walk thru over the phone could be possible!

I would barter/pay well for a two hour session where we
problem solve on a spec job I am working on.

I am a mysql and php developer,
but have only spent a few hours looking at drupal.

I installed it just fine and have been toying with it, but I see
that a good problem-solving instructional will save me a ton of tinkering.

I am available *at any time* to meet with laptops
(downtown preferred, but midtown is ok).

Please indicate what kind of bartering would work for you.
I have lots of hardware that may interest you!


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