[nycphp-jobs] Looking for talent to work in Hauppauge, NY

Scott Teger steger at
Mon Apr 14 18:32:41 EDT 2008

Fli Digital is looking for great developers to join our Fresh team in
Hauppauge, NY. But, we won't settle for just anyone. We want the best, and
only the best. Plain and simple: we're looking for talent; if most of the
following describes you, you probably have it and we're interested:


   - are a self proclaimed "pro" in PHP5 with MySQL and love OOP.
   - are often called "arrogant" or "cocky" by your friends or family,
   but can usually back it up (at least as a developer).
   - actually know what Web 2.0 is, and it bothers you when people use it
   just because they can.
   - developed your own version of [INSERT CLICHE WEB 2.0 WEB SITE] just
   to see if you could.
   - hate your commute or corporate job, aren't making ends meet with
   freelance projects or your ad-sense revenue on your blog just isn't cutting
   - have a passion for what you do, and want to make good money doing
   it, but still have fun.

Here's a little bit about us…


   - develop awesome web applications. (like the Fresh Platform!)
   - love what we do.
   - use Mac's, and love them (we won't make you love them too, but will
   - work in a modern and stylish office with a great vibe.
   - are young, ambitious and embrace entrepreneurial spirit.
   - have a fun, satisfying and collaborative workplace.
   - have a 'start-up' environment even though we've been around and
   growing since 2002.
   - value talent, experience and pure intelligence a lot more than
   degrees and certificates.
   - value our employees and take care of them, so we offer great
   salaries, plenty of benefits (full health, IRA with match) and random perks
   and bonuses.

Sounds like you might want to work here? Take a few minutes and fill-out our
job application, we'd love to hear from you!
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