[nycphp-jobs] Freelance Remote PHP/MySQL gig with about 5+ yrs ofexp & good client references

Steve Manes smanes at
Sat Aug 9 13:06:24 EDT 2008

Donna Marie Vincent wrote:
> That's something that should have been done privately and directly to 
> the person involved.
> How do you know Ben's criticism is accurate?  How do you know Sundar 
> hasn't learned to write better code since that time?
> This was not the appropriate place for his criticism.

Yeah, that's the concern I have about something like this.  I've read 
Ben's posts for a while so I have no reason to doubt the criticism but, 
truth is, I also have no reason to believe there might not be a personal 
grudge being vented.  I'm not suggesting that's what's happening here, 
just that it bothers me that we're all potentially vulnerable to having 
capricious charges lobbed against us in a public forum.

Just last week, on another forum, I read someone brutalize a masonry 
contractor I've used several times and know to be one of the best in the 
city.  After speaking with him, the issue was a dispute over an 
expensive change-work order which the client expected the contractor to 
eat after the contracts had been signed and the quote locked in.

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