[nycphp-jobs] Please remove me from you distribution list

RDP webmiester at
Wed Aug 13 15:24:55 EDT 2008


I hope this works.

With a name that rolls off the tongue, "Hans Kaspersetz," it should work.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hans Kaspersetz" <hans at>
To: <jobs at>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-jobs] Please remove me from you distribution list

>> That said, we are considering developing a moderated list with a web 
>> form, time permitting, that will only allow open positions to be posted. 
>> Thoughts, feedback?  Help/moderators?
> Hans,
> I would be willing to moderate that list.  Although, that solution seems 
> to already exist in the market place and I am not sure we really need it.
> I think there is something unique about how our job list works and it 
> feels like a real meritocracy and provides for a open two way channel.  If 
> we cut off half that, then we become more like a media channel and the 
> conversation becomes one sided.  I would like to imagine that our 
> complaints (suggestions) about the job listings have improved the quality 
> of them.
> Maybe I am alone, but I have  found the recent discourse on this list to 
> be of more value then the talk list and would like to keep it lively. If 
> we give the recruiters a way out, a 'safe harbor' for posting, then we opt 
> to exclude ourselves from half the conversation.  Your email the other day 
> really outlined why this list is important and worthwhile.
> Hans
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