[nycphp-jobs] Got a Great Big Idea - Need a Developer/Partner to Make it Happen

Dan Masca dan at
Wed Aug 20 11:00:04 EDT 2008

Hello Kristina,
you are wrong:).

We are Romanians and we don't work with 7$/hour :).
We work from 0 USD/hour and up depends on the business type and we do 
pro bono work too , a lot of pro bono work.
I work with partners from a lot of countries and the best one are the 
partners from USA. Why ? Because they have great ideas and know how how 
to make it alive.
This know-how transfer to companies and peoples which work in that 
companies hlep us together to do better jobs.
We make profit together and all the times businesses was win-win, based 
on respect for the other work.
Because I own and manage a 90 peoples multimedia shop here in 
Transylvania land ( Dracula land too :) ) , i can say that I pay a lot 
of money for software  licences and other equipments sell by companies 
from USA which make profit and which sell the software here at almost 
30% higher prices sometimes than in US, so the profit goes to local 
community where the company is registered etc.
I am sure that you know that internet help a lot the globalization and I 
am sure that you know that ROmania is part or EU  and EU is a strategic 
partner for USA :).
Anyway, my wife just come back from a conference from Harvard and she 
learn a lot from your countries and she will transfer the know how to 
Romanians students in some ways and part of Romanian student emigrate in 
USA and create there value for US country and life is beautiful and 
short :).

have a great day !

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> Hope to heck they're using your Euros to pay engineers and not just 
> offering them BS "equity shares" which don't pay the bills!!!!!!!
> Ooops let's see they're using the " team" who undoubtedly are 
> Indians working for $7 an hour...right?
> NEXT!!
>> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>> Hello,
>> we work with start-ups from different States from some years ago.
>> We invest our work for equity and small amount of money in 5 start-
> ups.
>> One of the best experience we had with Toby Murdock and Mike Lewis. 
> They 
>> are  co-founders of ( search for "MyMUSIC" plug-ins on 
>> different social networking sites) was done by us ( they and 
>> team)for shares and small amount of money at the beginning.
>> They respect our low rate  and they respect the equity that my new 
> media 
>> shop had. They were good and find angel investors and VC's after a 
> lot 
>> of work . Not easy, but we fight together for this ideas even that we 
>> work at thousands miles distance.
>>  From some months ago is part of
>> We work for other start-up : and related media 
> services 
>> in special for radio station.
>> We work right now in other two. One of them found the big investor 
> and 
>> after almost 10months of work and some equity we have the chance to 
>> develop it the business for next 2-3 years.
>> We believe in the dreams of our business partners and we try to share 
>> with them our experience and in almost all the situations we 
> understood 
>> what we must do and how we can recover the investment.
>>  From my point of view is more important to be pro-active and to try 
> to 
>> help the other and to learn how we can do good businesses .
>> Of course that we don't invest money in something that don't have a 
>> business plan and  a minimum market research, but all the time I will 
>> say : "I am interested and let's see if we can make profit and if is 
>> possible a big ones." :)
>> I think that big ideas, need big dreamers too .
>> Good luck to every entrepreneurs !
>> Dan MASCA
>> Joseph Crawford wrote:
>>> I have a great big idea too, there are only 2 main competitors.. 
>>> downfall is i do not have the ability to fund the project even 
> though 
>>> i would do all the programming myself there is server admin, front 
> end 
>>> designer / js guys etc.
>>> The only way I could get this off the ground would be to use a 
>>> template (i refuse to) or get friends to join in the deal.
>>> Trying to sell something to someone for 10% of ZERO is not going to 
> work.
>>> On Aug 19, 2008, at 9:24 PM, New Media Concept wrote:
>>>> I've got a pretty good idea that's been brewing in my head for 
> quite 
>>>> a while. It's ambitious, audacious, and certainly a challenge, but 
> at 
>>>> the same time, it's so audacious that it deserves nothing less 
> than a 
>>>> real try.
>>>> I used to work in the media industry and came to the painful 
>>>> realization that it's probably the only industry that does an 
>>>> incredibly poor job of bringing in new people and new ideas. At 
> the 
>>>> same time the media industry hasn't changed much even as 
> technology 
>>>> has given it the potential to solve many of these issues. The end 
>>>> result is more misses than hits, and promising original talent 
> being 
>>>> burned out as they tire out from trying to get their lucky break. 
> I 
>>>> think it's time to change that.
>>>> I've spoken to several tech and marketing execs who all agree that 
>>>> this is an idea that is entirely feasible and self sustainable, 
> and 
>>>> therefore worth trying at the very least. I've spoken with others 
> in 
>>>> the industry, including other artists and creatives, who all tell 
> me 
>>>> that they and everyone they know would jump at the chance to 
> partake 
>>>> in that concept because something like this has been sorely 
> lacking 
>>>> in the industry for nearly it's entire history. So in the end, it 
>>>> could be at the very least a self sustainable and unique niche 
> site, 
>>>> or be even more, and disrupt and shift the entire industry.
>>>> It's not a concept that can be deployed overnight, but whose 
> features 
>>>> can be logically implemented over time to create an ever more full 
>>>> featured product. The first iteration of the concept would be 
> simple 
>>>> and could be up and running fairly fast(in fact a simple prototype 
>>>> using open source resources was built and successfully tested). 
>>>> However I need someone who will be able to take it beyond that, 
> and 
>>>> keep it going as new pieces of the puzzle are being implemented 
> and 
>>>> thought up.
>>>> I'm going to need a good LAMP developer who knows how to work with 
>>>> UGC and a CMS, and wants to be part of building an idea that might 
>>>> carry them for the long haul. I'm really looking for my long term 
>>>> technical team/partner(s) to really make this idea and vision 
> happen.
>>>> So if you went through the trouble of reading all that and don't 
>>>> think I'm a nut for daring to think big, shoot me an email with 
> your 
>>>> qualifications and I'll let you know more of the details.  
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