[nycphp-jobs] Need Experienced PHP Programmers, Full TIme Positions

Isaac Levy isaac at
Tue Jan 1 16:18:36 EST 2008

Hi All,

Some of you may know me from NYC*BUG, a client of mine is looking for  
some experienced PHP programmers, full-time positions available.

So here's the deal, very straightforward:

- Experienced PHP developers
- Can work as a team
- Experience with:
   - AJAX with regard to user input
   - Modern, OO approaches (PHP5)
   - Experience/Ability to understand other programming languages
   - No fear of seeing Perl running around
   - Comfortability with UNIX servers
     - Ability to work with Sysadmins to improve AMP deployment
   - WWW security experience is always a plus

Do you have friends or colleagues you work with?  Good working as a  
team?  Bring everyone in!

The office location is in SoHo, and developers are needed in the  
office daily.
However, with successful delivered projects, the position can have  
excellent telecommuting and flexible scheduling for developers.

For anyone interested:
Please email me directly,

isaac at

and put 'PHP Job' in the subject line so I don't miss it!


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